Of Hoarfrost and Blood is a thrilling, epic, high-stakes, dark fantasy. The series follows fifteen-year-old Fae Ananya as she grows up and embarks on a quest for freedom. Ananya is a victim of trafficking and her story contains heavy topics one might expect in a survivor story. There are off-page insinuations/mentions of sexual assault and forced pregnancy. On the page, readers will encounter elements and depictions of fantasy war, violence, trafficking, abuse, self-harm (1 scene), thoughts of suicide (2 scenes), imprisonment, coercion, and intense bodily harm/death to humans and mythical creatures.

While the world of Berrean is fictional, many of the characters face issues we experience in our world that might be triggering. Readers may find certain topics such as, parental death, motherhood, pregnancy, childbirth, MC/loss, abortion, adoption, and infertility to be upsetting. Readers who find themselves sensitive to any of these topics, take note and feel free to ask Scarlet questions before you join Ananya on her journey. Please take care of yourself and your mental health first and foremost.

Intended Audience: 18+.

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